Project: Justice vs Justice

Project: Justice vs Justice

La giustizia รจ quella di chi vince la guerra; 2017
ottone riflettente ossidato, soldatini in plastica deformati; 55,5 x 55,5 x 8 cm
Justice belongs to the winners of war; 2017
reflecting oxidized brass, deformed plastic toy soldiers; 55,5 x 55,5 x 8 cm
Justice vs Justice ; 2019
ottone riflettente ossidato, soldatini in plastica deformati, tavolo e sedie in legno; 122 x 95 x 85 cm
Justice vs Justice ; 2019
reflecting oxidized brass, deformed plastic toy soldiers, wooden table and chairs; 122 x 95 x 85 cm
Justice vs Justice; 2019
scacchiera incisa su ottone riflettente ossidato, soldatini, olio; 50 x 50 x 4 cm
Justice vs Justice; 2019
reflecting oxidized brass, deformed plastic toy soldiers, oil; 50 x 50 x 4 cm